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Gender is never neutral,
To assume that someone’s gender
is neutral or non-existent because
it doesn’t exist between two rigid poles
Of a gender binary is arrogant and selfish

Even with those of us that do not have a gender,
Our identities and how we show them
Are a deliberate choice.
And we’re fucking proud of it.

Many of us don’t exactly know what our gender is
And our gender may change by the day
Or the month or by the feeling of the wind blowing and hitting our bones
Still confident that we are definitely not cis.

We have been here, we are still here, and we will outlive you.

You want to know what my gender is? Whether I am a boy or a girl?

I am the sun, unyielding
My gender is the heat that permeates all living things
An identity molded around the inevitable entropy of the universe constantly expanding
And ruining everything that has come before it

My friends and I are femmes like the mountains are stone
Too much for most men to comprehend, with cracks and gaps from where some men have tried to make space for themselves and failed
We wear our scars on our surface,
Even if so many are too far away to notice them
An exterior molded around the rejection of the men who’ve tried to claim us as their own

We have been here, we are still here, and we will outlive you.

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